Olympic Peninsula – Day 14

Yesterday the mountains and snow. Today, the beach.

IMG 6397

We drove from Mount Rainier to the west side of the Olympic Peninsula near Forks, WA and Rialto Beach.  What a difference a day makes.

IMG 6409

We are headed to Hole in the Wall…

IMG 6424

…past the Haystacks…

IMG 6459

…over the rocks…

IMG 6489

…we made it.

IMG 6502

Then back down the beach to watch the sunset…

IMG 6512

…stopping to check out the tidal pools…

IMG 6486

IMG 6506


IMG 6519




One thought on “Olympic Peninsula – Day 14

  1. What great pictures and awesome sites for the whole family and whom you share them with. Mother Nature sure knows how to awe those who enjoy her magnificence.

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