Lake Chelan – Day 11

Today we are going to spend the day on a boat traveling up Lake Chelan to the village of Stehekin.  On route we will also see the stop for Holden Village, the ELCA’s retreat village.  Holden is not accepting guests for the summer because they are doing some major cleanup from it’s days as a copper mine.

Here we are getting ready to board.  As you can see, it is cloudy and cold, very cold.

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Goodbye Chelan.

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Nothing like a little coffee to start the day, that and water and mountains.

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Lake Chelan is 1,500 feet deep, 55 miles long, and less than 2 miles wide in most places.  It is the third deepest lake in the United States (400 feet below sea level in some places.).

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Here is the dock for Holden Village, most of these people are on the work crew for the summer cleanup.

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Another picture of the lake and a stream.

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The community of Stehekin lies at the end of the Lake Chelan.  It can only be reached by boat, plane, or foot.  Libby said they should make a television show about Stehekin, it’s that remote.

When we stopped we immediately got on a bus (shipped in on a barge) run by the national park service to see Rainbow Falls.  It is has a 312 foot fall and is easily one the most impressive natural wonders we has seen so far.

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Here is a picture of our bus with our boat in the background.

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Here is the ferry.

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On our return trip, the sun came out.  It was like taking a whole new trip.

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